2859 Browns Bridge Road
Gainesville, Georgia 30504
Phone: 770-531-6900 Fax: 770-531-7150
South Precinct
7345 Cody Drive
Flowery Branch, Georgia 30542
Phone: 770-533-7704
North Precinct
122 Dean Street
Clermont, GA 30527
Phone: 770-533-7200

Gerald Couch
Greetings from Sheriff Gerald Couch
Dear Citizens of Hall County:
Welcome to the Hall County Sheriff's Office website. We hope that you will be able to use this site to become better informed about your Sheriff’s Office and the services we provide. We are proud to be a part of this community and are committed to seeking out new and innovative ways to provide top quality services to the people.
The Hall County Sheriff's Office is a full service law enforcement agency that provides: 24-hour Uniform Patrol, School Resource Officers, School Crossing Guards, Advance (Youth Education) Program, Neighborhood Watch Programs, Criminal Investigations, Dive Team, SWAT Team, Warrant Service Unit, Civil Process Service, Courthouse Security, Inmate Work Details, Community Service (clean streets) Bus Program, Work Release Program and one of the largest jails in North Georgia with a capacity of 1,134 inmates. Details and photographs of these divisions/units can be viewed through this website.
This website is intended as an informational resource for the citizens of Hall County and the surrounding areas. Our goal for this site is to increase communication between the Sheriff’s Office and the citizens of Hall County and to provide a mechanism for public access to frequently requested information that is within the public domain.
Non-Emergency Dispatch
Quick Links
Our Mission statement
The men and women of the Hall County Sheriff’s Office are dedicated to the protection of all we serve. We provide exceptional law enforcement services in a professional manner, without fear or favor, malice or ill will, free from prejudice, with leadership, integrity, and respect.
How Do I Obtain Public Records for Hall County Sheriff's Office Documents ONLY?
The Georgia Open Records Act establishes the right to inspect and/or receive public records, excluding those records that are specifically exempted by court order or law. To inspect and/or receive records, please email orr_sheriff@hallcounty.org. Please be as specific as possible:
Your Name
Business Agent or Name
Mailing Address, City, State and Zip Code
Phone Number
Fax Number
Email Address
Description of Request Records
Do copies need to be certified?
Preferred manner of delivery
After receiving your request, the Hall County Sheriff’s Office will notify you within three (3) business days if there are records responsive to your request and if the records requested are subject to release (O.C.G.A.§ 50-18-71). The response will be provided in written format and will be sent via email when possible.
Responses shall include the cost to search, retrieve, copy, redact, and/or supervise inspection of the requested document(s). The cost represents the hourly rate of the lowest paid full-time employee who, in the opinion of the Sheriff’s Office, has the necessary skill and training to respond to your request. There is no charge for the first 15 minutes.
The fee for black & white, letter or legal size copies is $0.10 per page. Other types of documents are charged based upon the expense to reproduce the record. Where fees for certain records are otherwise prescribed by law, such specific fee shall apply. Payment is required upon receipt of the records. If it is requested that records be certified, there is an additional fee of $1.00 for certification of the first record and $0.50 for each record thereafter.
Some records are not readily accessible. In these instances, a timeline will be provided as to when the records will be available.
All Open Records Requests must be submitted to the Records Supervisor, who is the designated “Open Records Officer” for the Hall County Sheriff’s Office. Any requests for records that are served upon any other officer or employee shall not be deemed filed, until the requester has filed his or her request with the Records Supervisor. You may contact the Records Supervisor either via the online form provided below or by contacting him directly at:
Lt. Cameron Parker
Records Supervisor
2859 Browns Bridge Road
Gainesville, GA 30504
Main: (770) 531-6877
To obtain public records from OTHER Hall County Government departments, please visit the Open Records page.